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Jumping on people


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When friendly dogs greet each other they smell and sometimes lick each others noses first. Since our faces are so far up they have to jump up on us to get to it, because that's all they know how to do. We have to teach them a different way to greet us. Everyone in the family has to be onboard with this, no one can let your dog jump on them to be greeted. Since dogs want our attention when they do this we will take away all attention when they jump up on us and say, "off" and pulling our arms up to our chest. This takes away our hands that they might try to nudge and get up under to have you touch them or pet them. Ask them to sit. If they do, pet them and tell them how good they are in a low keyed voice, don't do a happy voice that might get them excited and they will try to jump at you again. If they try to jump again tell them "uh-uh, OFF" and "sit" with a clear hand signal, praise if they do it, if not turn away from them, ignoring them. If they try to jump on your back, walk away, don't talk to them or look at them. Ignore them until they do what you want, which is a sit. After a few seconds ( about 20 seconds) of walking away turn around and ask for a sit again, praise if they do. Most dogs will learn that sitting gets them attention, jumping no longer gets anything except being ignored, which dogs do not like to be ignored. If your dog has a bad habit of doing this it will take some time to break this habit, but EVERYONE has to do this for it to work. You can tell visitors and people on the street who want to greet your dog that they are" in training" and must sit to say hello, give them a treat and have them give it to your dog when he sits for it. That is a greeting also, not everyone has to put their hands on your dog to greet them. They are in training, they need to learn control first, then, they can get hugged and cuddled all they want if they stay seated. You are in control of your dog, don't let someone knee, or step on your dog's backs toes or any of those archaic methods of getting a dog to stop jumping on them. They want your attention, take all of it away even the painful ones. Most dogs will just think that you knee them and that's your way of greeting, as painful as it may be. A small percentage of dogs will stop if you do these other painful methods, but why cause pain if you don't have to, and kneeing them may break a rib.
Be consistent. Hope that helps, they ask for attention we take it away. MAKE sure everyone does this, read NILF,( nothing in life is free) thread posted in this training section. No wrestling around with the dog, they must learn control first. This is one of the harder things to do because we love our dogs to be happy when we come home, but they will not know the difference between you and the 4 yr old nephew or 95 yr old grandmother. Good Luck...

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