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    Labs, reading, drawing, hubby, new movies
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    Just My Dogs!!! :)

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  1. Some medications are better than others...some have a wider "window" for missing a dose. living in missouri, it's not quite as bad here...but lately it's been heating up as it gets closer to summer and there are more gnats, flies and mosquitos around standing water. i have been using a flea/tick/mosquito killer from hartz. apply down the back and neck, it naturally spreads around the body, won't make them sick and lasts for a full month. i've noticed it actually does keep the little buggers away. our youngest isn't old enough for it yet and i have to keep him constantly moving or in an area with no standing water/high grass. he's up to date on shots, as is our oldest...but i've had one dog die of heartworms before. he was staying at my moms in louisiana (i had moved out) and they didn't notice any problems until it was to late and he had to be put down. :( some dogs never have a problem with heartworms and they never get a pill or anything...other dogs aren't so lucky...regardless of climate, water, etc. have you ever been to chazhound.com? it's a nice forum and there are lots of people you can talk to.
  2. I'm sorry for your loss. I was wondering if you'd ever had your dachsund on heartworm preventative? or your Lab?
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